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Get started with Swedbank

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The activation of services via PSD2 is done directly in Monitor. Just make sure that you have logged in with BankID to your company's online bank at least once and that you have the correct permissions for your user.

Important! Ensure that no payments are pending execution when activating the service.

To activate the ISO service, contact your bank for the onboarding process, as there is no digital onboarding available with Swedbank.

Before connecting to the service

You must be an administrator at the bank to assign the correct permissions to your users.

How to connect to the service

To use PSD2 and process payments, you need permissions (Open Banking Third Party) and possibly additional rights beyond what you already have.

Important! If you already are an administrator and/or have full access, you don’t need to change any settings in the online bank.

This video guides you through the steps to add these permissions.