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Welcoming our new CTO Johan Segerstedt

We’re very happy to welcome Johan Segerstedt as our new CTO! His love for tech and his innovative mindset are exactly what we need as we move forward. We had a chat with him to see how he’s settling in.

Hey Johan, welcome aboard!

- Thank you! It feels great to be here. A lot is of course new to me, but I’m really impressed by how smoothly everything is running. The IT platform is solid, and we’ve got an incredibly talented IT team. I’ve received a warm welcome and the team is very helpful and willing to share their knowledge.

What’s most exciting about joining Open Payments?

- We’re expanding our product range and entering new markets, which is a really exciting challenge, and I’m looking forward to do my part, working closely with our customers and partners together with my team. Open Payments is in a unique position right now, with a lot of potential to scale up, so the key for me and my team will be to ensure that we stay ahead of the growth curve as we move forward.

What’s your vision for making payments even more intuitive for our users?

- My vision is all about keeping things simple and effective. I believe in taking small, steady steps in product development, always in close cooperation with our customers and partners. We shouldn’t hesitate to try new things and be bold in our innovations, all while staying adaptable to market changes. I’m also focused on broadening our offerings, like connecting with more banks in new regions, to make payment processes even more seamless.

Regulations are always part of the game in fintech. How do you keep the rules in check without slowing down our innovation?

-Regulations are part of the deal in fintech, and it’s the same for everyone. The main thing for us is to have an IT platform that can easily adapt to these changes without compromising on safety. This might sound challenging, but with modern technology, a strong architecture, and a skilled IT team, it’s completely doable. Plus, regulations help ensure stability and security, which benefits both us and our customers.

What trends are you keeping an eye on, and how do you think they’ll shake things up for us?

- I’m keeping a close watch on the growing demand for instant payments and quick cross-border payments, especially for SMEs. We’re in a good position to meet these needs. I’m also paying attention to AI trends, and I’m curious to see how we can use them to enhance our services.

What’s your special recipe for creating a work environment that motivates people and encourages innovation?

- I’m not sure I have a secret formula, but I focus on creating an environment where team members feel supported and are encouraged to challenge themselves. I believe that using modern technology and architecture not only adds value to our company but also inspires the employees. Quick feedback loops, where we can see the results of our efforts and make adjustments as needed, are also importan for keeping everyone motivated and fostering innovation.

Where do you see Open Payments in the next few years?

- We’ll be a well-known and trusted go-to player in the payment industry throughout Europe. Known for delivering reliant and efficient payment solutions to our customers.

What do you like to do when you’re not immersed in tech and fintech?

- I’m really into mountain biking and alpine skiing.Spending time in the Stockholm archipelago with my family and our bulldogs is another passion of mine. Being outdoors and staying active really helps me recharge.

Lastly, if you weren’t in fintech, what other career could you see yourself pursuing?

- That’s a tough one! I love working in fintech, especially in smaller or midsize companies where I can help build cutting-edge IT solutions that challenge the market. But if I had to pick something else, managing IT for a Formula 1 team would be something!